The Glassford Files

Do They Know How Old You Are?

Work Family

Work Family

Earlier this week while in a meeting, one that had already generated both a healthy discussion and a lengthy action plan, a key stakeholder asked; "Does anyone here at the table know someone they trust who could actually pull this off for us?" And I thought,  "I know...

Never Forget

Never Forget

My appointment was for 10am at the World Trade Ctr. on Sept 11th 2001 to meet a local Real Estate broker. When our American Airlines flight neared LaGuardia and we passed the first tower engulfed in smoke, we had no idea what had happened. When the plane emptied,...

Grey Hair, Don’t Care

Grey Hair, Don’t Care

💫 women can be effective leaders regardless of their hair colour /style or age
💫 women don’t have an expiry date – stop letting women “of a certain age” go. (I have been there)

“Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.”

~ Gloria Steinam